Sometimes struggles are exactly
what we need in our lives.
Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us.
We will not be as strong as we could have been
and we would never fly.
what we need in our lives.
Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us.
We will not be as strong as we could have been
and we would never fly.
sayangi diri anda.sayangi keluarga.sayangi rakan.
hargai mereka
“Dan boleh jadi kamu BENCI kepada sesuatu padahal ia BAIK bagi kamu dan boleh jadi kamu SUKA kepada sesuatu padahal ia BURUK bagi kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah jualah Yang mengetahui (semuanya itu), sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya.”—Al-Baqarah 216
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